We started our 4th of July off with a wonderful show for our Day Program friends. They are in Canada, and they just celebrated Canada Day a couple of days ago! It was a beautiful, sunny morning, and we had fun singing lots of great songs for them. These summer morning shows are so great. The bright, early sun and classic tunes makes for the best way to start our days!

Here is the full setlist from the show:
I Walk The Line
Poor Little Fool
La Bamba
Let It Be
It's A Small World
Skye Boat
Daisy Bell
Yellow Submarine
Morning Has Broken
You Got It
#communityinvolvement #seniorcitizens #theloveofmusic #memorycare #Cambridge #showtunes #seniorliving #memorycare #musictherapy #dementia #alzheimers #goldenoldies